Ibogaine can have a significant impact on the successful treatment of substance-bound addictions. It helps to reprogramme the neurotransmitters in your brain. This allows the psychological wounds of the past to heal. HEALING depends on various factors in life. Our state of consciousness may not be able to dissolve all wounds in one night, but it takes the edge off the trauma and helps us enormously to reduce this inner pain forever.
I can extremely reduce the craving for harmful substances or even delete it forever. Whether this happens immediately or is a longer process is something only you can decide for yourself! But the need to fill this inner emptiness with drugs will decrease more and more and eventually disappear completely.
Despite all this, ibogaine treatment boasts a 70% success rate compared to the 1% to 4% success rate of traditional approaches. After more than 40 years of scientific research, it has been proven that the use of ibogaine is the best strategy for curing addiction. Secondly, unlike conventional treatments that use Methodone or Suboxone, the patient is not replacing one addiction with another. And since ibogaine targets the receptors in the brain that cause cravings and withdrawal symptoms, ibogaine treatment is a fairly quick process to go through.
Despite this, ibogaine treatment boasts a 70% success rate compared to the 1% to 4% success rate of traditional approaches. After more than 40 years of scientific research, it has been proven that the use of ibogaine is the best strategy for curing addiction.Secondly, unlike conventional treatments that use Methodone or Suboxone, the patient is not replacing one addiction with another.And since ibogaine targets the receptors in the brain that cause cravings and withdrawal symptoms, ibogaine treatment is a fairly quick process that can be undergone to beat the addiction.
A short-lasting experience can radically alter consciousness and help you consciously understand your inner problems that alcohol, drugs and gambling addiction leave behind.Ibogaine itself is not addictive.